Rabu, 28 Februari 2018

Kepler menciptakan platform pasar global untuk investasi robot

Kepler Technologies adalah platform berbasis Blockchain. Hal ini ditujukan untuk perangkat jaringan sosial yang unik untuk perancangan, pembuatan, dan juga investasi di berbagai produk, yang pekerjaannya didasarkan pada kecerdasan buatan. Kerja sama peserta layanan dilakukan melalui platform yang paling nyaman (terdesentralisasi).Ini dikelola oleh investor dengan bantuan aset tokus. Pengembang rencana proyek Kepler untuk menerapkan produksi skala besar, membuat laboratorium penelitian. Kemungkinan fasilitas ini akan mendatangkan penghasilan besar.

Jaringan ini bertujuan untuk menciptakan platform pasar global untuk investasi robot dan berteknologi tinggi melalui sentralisasi dan desentralisasi yang dikendalikan dan dikelola oleh investor. Kepler akan memanfaatkan analisis, ilmu data, dan algoritma prediktif untuk memberi investor peluang investasi yang unik melalui aset token

Tujuan membuat platform Robotika, kecerdasan buatan yang kuat memiliki dampak pada area manusia modern yang berbeda. Pada kuartal pertama 2018, profitabilitas pasar diperkirakan mencapai 80 miliar dolar. Untuk 3 tahun ke depan profit diperkirakan akan meningkat (tiga kali lipat). Kepler Technologies menciptakan sebuah layanan untuk pengembangan, serta pendanaan ilmiah, tes teknis, teknologi maju. Selain itu, direncanakan untuk membangun kompleks yang akan mencakup bengkel produksi besar. Tugas utama tim Kepler adalah kombinasi teknologi maju, robotika terbaik, dan kecerdasan buatan pada platform Blockchain. Karena tindakan pengembang yang kompeten, perubahan signifikan akan terjadi di banyak area. Tujuan sekunder untuk meluncurkan platform adalah pembagian keuntungan yang sederhana dan adil di antara peserta aktif. Pengembang berhasil mencapainya melalui kemajuan teknologi. Ini akan menciptakan hubungan yang adil antara pengguna di sistem. Untuk melaksanakan tugas yang ditetapkan, direncanakan untuk menarik lebih banyak lagi pengelola, insinyur di bidang pengembangan robotika, teknologi informasi. Tim juga mencakup pengacara berpengalaman, pemrogram, teknolog.

Apa itu KEPLER 

Kepler adalah jaringan teknologi yang didukung oleh Blockchain. Jaringan ini bertujuan untuk menciptakan platform pasar global untuk robotika dan investasi teknologi tinggi melalui portal yang transparan dan terdesentralisasi yang dikendalikan dan dikelola oleh investor. Kepler akan menawarkan investor peluang investasi yang unik melalui aset simbolis melalui analisis, ilmu data dan algoritma prediktif.

Kepler token

Kepler token adalah mata uang defaul untuk semua penduduk di ekosistem. Token ini masuk dalam kategori ERC20 ini bisa di gunakan untuk membiayai ide ide di platform kepler Universe, membeli robot, lisensi, layanan untuk Al, dan produk dalam kawasan yang lain. Bisa jadi KEP juga memegang token untuk invetasi di dalam robotika dengan cara program inkubator dan akselerator platform nya, yang akan membuat perkembangan teknologi baru dan mengumpulkan penghasilan yang banyak, baik unutk investor tokrn atau investor proyek. Tekhnologi kepler akan di program oleh sistem yang terdesentralisasi, yang mana KEP adalah orang orang yang memutuskan produk, apapun yang mereka keluarkan untuk investasi, tidak sembarangan proyek yang mereka inveskan hanya proyek proyek tertentu yang kami invest. KEp bisa untuk membiayai proyek LAB tertentu yang di tampilkan oleh Kepler R dan D,Disini investor memiliki jumlah KEP yang kita perlukan agar proyek mereka bisa di laksanakan dan dapat di mulai produksi. 80% dari penghasilan yang bisa di praktikan dari semua proyek dan kegiatan ekonomi akan d keluarkan kembali ke KEP investor yang di investasikan dalam proyek tertentu.r disini berisi tentang jaringan perusahan yang baru sja di bangun dan masih daam masa perkembangan dan penelitian untuk pemasaran yang tepat yang di dukung oleh blockchoin. kepler ini bertujuan utnuk memebuat platform pasar untuk keseluruhan sebagai investasi robotika dan suatu tempat yang ikut bergabung melalui jalan yang terbuka dan harus konsentrasi yang akan di pimpin dna akan di jalan kan oleh pra investor.


Penjualan Token akan dilakukan dalam dua mata uang yang berbeda, Bitcoin (BTC) dan Ethereal

(ETH). Total token supply adalah 250.000, 000 KEP + 7 000 000 Bonus.

1 USD akan Menghasilkan 1 KEP yang berarti bahwa membayar investor $ 1 akan mendapatkan 0.8 KEP di


1 harga Token = $ 1,25

Jumlah yang harus dinaikkan adalah $ 250.000.000.

Distribusi Token

Kesimpulan :
Platform Keplertek inovatif dan unik, yaitu sebuah komisi untuk membangun kerja sama tim di seluruh dunia dengan pengalaman tertentu. Yaitu, ini membawa kesempatan bagi semua pendatang untuk bergabung dalam sebuah proyek yang menakjubkan untuk menemukan pengetahuan dan kekuatan yang sesuai agar gagasan revolusioner menjadi kenyataan

informasi selengkapnya klick link di bawah ini :

Website : https://keplertek.org/

ANN Thread : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2839512.msg29131351#msg29131351

White Paper : https://keplertek.org/WP/WP-EN.pdf

Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Keplertek/

Twitter : https://twitter.com/KeplerTek

Telegram : https://t.me/joinchat/HR5jUxKGkD4XY3y1v6Pmow

Youtube : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnx0TE5MFeLe1uAIYNRqyfA

My bitcoin talk profil Link : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1128870

Selasa, 27 Februari 2018

IAMHERO create an automated system

In a crypto world designed as a digital asset to serve as a medium of exchange that uses cryptography to secure transactions, control the creation of additional units, and to verify asset transfers take over the economy, I am HERO. makes you a hero with its AI algorithm.

Cryptocurrencies are a type of digital currency, alternative currency and virtual currency. Cryptocurrencies use decentralized controls compared to centralized electronic money and central banking systems. Decentralized control over any cryptococcus works through blockchain, which is a public transaction database, serving as a distributed ledger.
I AM HERO is a career platform. Connect people and companies more intelligently through our AI algorithm, which suits work with personality. Everyone can emphasize their personality features and professional skills, which are prioritized to companies, breadwinners, partners and the rest of the world. 
Innovation is a process whereby anyone can create an online resume on the IAMHERO (IAH) platform, which will be instantly visible and can be ordered for a specific project

The main purpose :

At Iamhero, we focus on creating solutions that help everyone in their lives. 'I was the Hero Concept started acting 3 years ago when Ideas to introduce innovative concepts into existing outdated systems to apply for jobs as well as the way relationships between employees and employers were made After years of market research and concept-making, the Iamhero project was established more from a year ago as a cumulative result of previous research that has been done

Service Description:

Fees are charged for service use by both parties and additional contract costs for the placement company when matching and employing have concluded; thereby insuring the constant income of entry for the expansion and future development of the Iamhero System 


Almost everyone in the world needs a resume for
present themselves in their relevant areas of expertise
to the Global Industry or to present their services as a
professional freelancers to the Marketplace. The 'Resume Function' location is fast. The world of online retreat is long overdue, so we have done our job to ensure that freelancers receive retribution for the work and, reply
for its particular needs. To achieve this level of optimization, a new system must be installed in place that can handle a lot of data and processing. This data is very efficient and intelligent with very high speed.

System IAMHERO and IAMHERO coins:

Details about ICO:
The team aims to improve some ~ 7000 ETH for platform development and promotion. The token base price is 0,0000142 ETH per 1 IAH Coin. Members interested in joining the Whitelist must do so before February 20, where a 40% discount for tokens is offered. The main crowd begins on May 22nd.

Overall, I am one of the ICO's that you should look at. After the downward trend in the cryptocurrency market, this is a golden opportunity to invest in a project that offers real-world use - better yet you can use investment coins as a utility token for the platform, or stick to them to share platform advantages. Disclaimer: This should not be considered an investment advice because I am not a qualified investment adviser.

Why IAHC coins:
IAHC is used to handle all transactions on the iamhero.io platform, while allowing full transparency of all streams and distribution of incoming and outgoing revenues from projects disbursed through the system.

How to use IAHC on users: 
1) IAHC is used to handle all internal transactions in iamhero.io. A freelancer or agent is given a contract that is handled through smart contracts in blockchain. Once the job is done for client satisfaction, the freelancer / agency is paid with IAHC coins. 
2) The employer must pay the fees charged for each contact they want in the matching system using the IAHC Coins they have purchased from IAH in $ USD.
3) Employers find new candidates through iamhero.io and want to hire them. If the new employee accepts the job and works for a minimum of 4 months for the employer, the employer must pay a fee of 15% of the annual salary to Iamhero (minimum annual salary is 30,000 $ USD) and the payment is made at $ USD immediately converted to IAHC Coins.

Total Coin Supply:
A very promising project was launched a year ago to create an important automated system using specialized software that can quickly perform all the project functions. IAMHERO achieved a high level of efficiency and speed in this effort. Testing is almost complete, and the results are very satisfactory. Our goal has been achieved, and we continue to improve system functionality on the platform.

More information click link below:

FACEBOOK:  https://www.facebook.com/iamhero.io/
 TWITTER:  https://twitter.com/iamheroio
INSTAGRAM:  https://www.instagram.com/iamhero.io/
 WEBSITE:  https://iamhero.io/

TELEGRAM:  https://t.me/joinchat/GILZQhCqAenDW1v7iVpqVA
WHITEPAPER:  https://iamhero.io/ico/landing/whitepaper

My Bitcointalk Profile link:  https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1128870

Rabu, 07 Februari 2018

Coinvest a decentralized trade market

Coinvest (COIN) is a decentralized trading market for crypto and one sign.

What does this mean:
This means from when using Coinvest you can buy DApp and their original coins DApp and their original coins. Coinvest will allow users to choose the crypto they want regardless of the blockchain they attach. No one will deal with a trading partner, just one point and click mechanism to choose a virtual emergency crypto to buy with COIN.

Virtual Cryptocurrencies:
Yes, it sounds strange and futuristic but that's what keeps everything working. In order to buy the entire portfolio of cryptourrency with a single transaction, Coinvest created a system using what they called a criticized asset. Let's say the buyer makes a portfolio:

Traditionally buyers should visit the stock exchange, buy BTC or ETH then trade for OMG and ACT. The user should then store it in the appropriate wallet.

By using Coinvest, buyers will use DApp to create smart contracts that have $ 20 COIN but track down the real-world value of OMG and ACT. Think of it like creating a digital index fund within a smart contract.

If investments rise in value (or down) and buyers want to withdraw, they will use DApp to pull their COIN (plus benefits) from smart contracts. If the user deploys a portfolio with 20 COINs and the underlying asset is twice the value then it will be worth 40 COINs to the user.

This cryptonized asset is supported by two COIN reserve funds that are constantly replenished. All investments made by users are secured by backup.

Coinvest Protocol:

The protocol is the core of the project, how the transaction information is recorded to the blockchain. When a user executes a trade and sends them COIN to an intelligent contract, the details are recorded to the blockchain.

Details stored in blockchain include trading time, user wallet address, index name, name of the criticized asset, asset price, asset allocation, amount invested and ultimately the time stamp of sale.

Smart contracts will provide a truly decentralized experience because the user funds are untouched by third-party APIs.

How this works:
These three main components of Coinvest allow the system to work. These components are:

Coinvest Dapp
App is a user interface that allows customers to:

-Investing in Crippy Individual Disorder
-Create and invest in a custom portfolio (collection) of cryptocurrencies
-Invest in index funds or managed fund of active cryptocurrencies.
- Track their portfolios

After selecting or creating funds, users will trade using COIN and submit it to smart contracts. The Coinvest application will include trading shorts, limit orders, and futures, margins, options and futures trading.

Reserved fund:

In order for users to trust the cryptoned assets, Coinvest has created two separate reserve funds so that all investments are fully secured (backed by real assets). This should minimize the risk of failure or unsuccessfulness of an undisclosed asset.

The reserves will be funded directly through crowdsale then using 75% of the company's profits to continue filling the ecosystem.

The first reserve is a liquidity pool (aka reserve COIN). A fully autonomous COIN reserve is managed only with smart contracts and the goal is to confirm investment, portfolio investment returns and distribute trading profits.

The second reserve is managed by asset manager at Coinvest and will provide additional collateralization, redundancy and insurance for investors. These funds can track a 1: 1 user investment or may lean and try to outperform the user's performance.

Let's put all this information together and see what happens when Jane wants to buy the index fund of cryptocurrencies.

1. Jane selects Top 50 funds in App Coinvest which invests equally with each of the top 50 coins.
2. He makes transactions using 6000 COIN ($ 5000 USD).
3. The assets that are remembered and deposited in escrow are deposited in escrow.
4. Increased asset prices (may go down as well).
5. He wants to collect profits so he pulls his COIN by using Coinvest App.
6. The Smart Contract pulls her COIN from escrow and the profits from the reserve pool and sends them to her wallet inside of the Coinvest App.
How Does Coinvest Gain Revenue?
Coinvest will charge a flat fee of $ 4.99 to be traded in the portfolio. Although the costs appear very low in similar products.

How to Get Revenue Coinvest:
Coinvest will charge a flat fee of $ 4.99 to be traded in the portfolio. Although the costs appear very low in similar products.

What are their competitors:
There are a small number of competitors in this field. None of the two mentioned a complete ecosystem like Coinvest because both focus on performing unique tasks well.

How about team and advisors:
The team is very strong with several Microsoft Alum including Founder Damon Nam (15+ years) and Byron Levels (Tech Director). One of the two leading blockchain engineers is Dexeran Derat, founder of Ethereum Commonwealth, who has worked on the BIP for the ERC-223 standard token. The rest of the resume teams are all impressive from a range of areas including marketing, data analysis and engineering.

A small advisory group with only three members but all of them are very impressive. Pete Cashmore is Founder and CEO of Mashable, Tony Scott is the US Chief Information Officer under President Obama and has worked with virtual security firms and VMWare, Microsoft and The Walt Disney Company. The newest members to the advisory team are Kendrick Nguyen, CEO of the Republic and a prominent figure in technology.

All team members have a comprehensive LinkedIn profile and many have a great history on the web.
What is COIN goal:
COIN (ERC-223) has many uses, all of which play an integral part in the Coinvest ecosystem.
-Create investment and portfolio transactions in Coinvest. (Access to protocol)
-Received assets from investment portfolio profits and investment fund index costs. (Value Store)
-Buy goods and services from trading partners. (Currency)
-Receive a% trading fee when a user uses your specially designed index. (Gift)
-Buy and sell on crypto stock supported. (Asset)

What's wrong with the ICO:

ICO consists of personal presale and crowds. Presale officially ended, oversubbed by 3.3x but the project made a total purchase of $ 3.3 million or 4% of total token inventory. The Crowdsale will start on February 16th.

This Crowdsale is a middle cap with a hardcap of $ 30 million. This places the total inventory value of approximately $ 75 million ($ 0.70 tokens price * token inventory amount) higher than the latest ICO but the project requires a high amount to create a reserve pool of usable liquidity. ICO funds and future fund distributions are as follows:
No white list but KYC required. Price per token for crowdsale about $ 0.63 including 10% bonus. The presale group received a 25% bonus and no locking. However, large strategic partners, teams and advisers have evidence provided over a 5 year period.

The token sale is trying to sell 49% of about 107,000,000 COIN tokens. All unsold token will be stored in the reserve liquidity pool. Token will soon be released but frozen until the end of the crowd.

Marketcap & Token Supply: This project sells 49% tokens during token sales that will generate marketcap $ 36 million (52,430,000 COIN @ $ 0.70 each) if no additional tokens are released at that time. The project is comparable to Covesting ($ 27mil) and Iconomi ($ 207 million). This token differs in character from the one discussed earlier.

We do not know what the market price or COIN likes to compare it with tokens for analytical fun.

The partnership for Coinvest includes names that aim to have a synergistic effect. The biggest names are the Enterprise Ethereum Alliance (see Team) and Civic. Civic is a well-known blockchain personal identity project, Oraclize is an oracle service that brings data from the web to DApps and Changelly provides easy (but sometimes costly) cryptocurrency exchanges. Partnerships are listed below:

Token name: COIN 
Token category: Token 
Platform Token: ETH 
Soft Cap: three, 000,000 USD 
Hard Cap: thirty, 000,000 USD 
Total Token: 107,000,000 
Number of ICO tokens: fifty two, 500,000 
Token Price: one thousand COIN = 700 USD 
Bonus Token: twenty-five 
Minimum purchase volume: one hundred USD 
Mining protocol: POS

Crowd sale / Token Distribution
60M Total tokens 
Token Name: COIN 
Token worth: one ETH = three hundred COINs 
Presale Cap one.2M 
Five hundred presale bonuses

Tony Scott: Previous congress of the Government of Yankee Industrial Organization, VMware, Microsoft and filmmakers 
Pete Cashmore: Founder and Director of Mashable 
This team is a light-emitting diode by Nam's friends, and also the whole team is showing their roles 
Damon Nam: Founder and CEO 
Bayroy Level: Director of Technology 
Taylor Rieckens: Director of Business Development 
Ramiro Galan: Director 
Creativity Umar Irshad: Director and Program 
Kevin Huynh: Director of Analytics and Operations 
Mark Ayad: Director of Money 
Kim Huynh: Director of Sales 
Ben Tossell: Community Director 
Dexaran Derat: Blockchain Technique 
Robert Forster: Blockchain Technique
Alexander Kravchenko: Technique 
Elena Chizhova: Engineering 
Dmitry Golovchenko: Technique

More information you can see the link below:

Debitum a decentralized ecosystem

The Debitum Network is an innovative hybrid ecosystem for small business finance - using a blocked etereum-based process along with the subject and interest of moving on using fiat. This ecosystem is based on a decentralized and motivated society uniting SME borrowers, local and regional risk assessors, debt collectors, insurance companies and global investors with trust-based intelligent contracts that are linked.

Debitum is a new platform that uses blockchain technology created to empower Micro, Small, Medium Enterprises, empowering it includes several aspects of lending capital, analyzing and assessing risks, DEbitum publishes a package of development and empowerment policies aimed at improving the Real Sector and empowering small micro businesses.

the debitum intends to be a standards-based decentralized ecosystem where financial market operators can access their clients in a more advanced and lower cost manner. Operators are companies (or even individuals) that collect requests (investors / lenders) or offer (borrowers), or both. There are service providers such as risk assessors, insurance companies, debt collectors, appraisers of supply / collateral, etc. The Debitum Network will also act like media integration for various technical solutions related to the financing process. So clients from around the world will take separate steps in the financing process.
Technically, in terms of economic effectiveness, Debitum facilitates the financing process, but the opportunity for professional operators in the finance industry to enter the global market seamlessly. For example, local risk assessors working in their domestic markets can sell their services to global investors willing to invest in their markets. 

Three basic principles of Debitum:

- A decentralized global community.
- Possibility of feedback (chats, feedback on services provided and borrowers);
- Hybrid approach to combine crypto currency and fiat money. Crypto currency will be used for domestic financing of the platform. And anything related to debt, you can pay and receive in regular currency. This allows companies, in fact, to easily use services in their region and from day one.

The Debitum Network is not a start up, but a project based on two existing companies that successfully operate.

"Debifo" - a project created in 2015, is one of the leading alternative financing platforms for SMEs. In 2016, he was awarded the Financial Services Award this year. 25 million euros - asset turnover for 2 years. 3 million euros - current asset portfolio.
Inntec is one of the most innovative IT companies in Northern Europe, providing high quality IT services for both the public and private sectors. 195 thousand hours - total project duration. 6.5 years - average experience of specialists.

Name: debitum (DEB) 
Blockchain: Ethereum-based (ERC223) sign 
Supply 400 million tokens 
Deposit Method: Ether (ETH) 
Stamp hard: 24 000 Ether (ETH)

Round A (round Community)
A Round A: December 7, 2017 at 15:00 GMT 
A Round A Ends: 21 December 2017 at 15:00 GMT 
Results 1.2 million USD collected.

Round B
Round B Start: January 25, 2018 at 15:00 GMT 
Round B Expires: February 25, 2018 at 15:00 GMT 
Gift B: 20,000 Ether (ETH)

Country: Lithuania
Alexa Global Rank: 140,379
Twitter statistics: 4025 followers (31.01.2018)

The Debitum Network is built as a hybrid platform:
All actions are processed through Ethereal Blockchain, making the Network Debitum a secure and non-destructive infrastructure. It consists of a family-based smart contract based on Ethereal, which is facilitated by one way of internal payments.

Transactions run through Fiat currency, ensuring businesses can actually use these services easily in their region, and from day one.

Debitum Token economy
The more loans processed through the Debitum Network, the more DEB tokens needed
Because all service providers need to freeze multiple tokens, token supplies of DEB are limited
In the crypto world, increased token values ​​often indicate that the company is expanding rapidly.
Based on the use of the DEB token in its lifetime for each loan, the amount required to purchase the DEB token will surpass the total ability to sell the DEB token, thus creating pressure towards the DEB token price. The Debitum Network solves the $ 2 trillion problem, therefore the growth potential is huge.

More information please click link below: